The Right To Indigenous Plant based Foods For All Haitians

Haiti is a tropical and agrarian country home to hundreds of indigenous vegetables plant based foods that are now  either not being cultivated or not well  known as imported hybrid vegetables and grains were introduced and imported from other parts of the world.
        Indigenous plants also called Native plants whose nutritional composition is superior that they are considered Superfoods because they grow and survive  without man made intervention, under adverse  conditions , and  they do not require irrigation . Sunlight is the only variable necessary for Indigenous plants to perform photosynthesis, hence they are deemed Electrical.
       Having established the aforementionned, one can discern that indigenous foods are key to combat hunger and famine and their cost effectiveness .   Consequently, no Haitians and more specifically children should have to suffer from malnourishment, hunger and  protein deficiency .
A survey  conducted by the USAID on Demographics and health founf that 50 percent of Haitian children under five years of age are underweight, experience stunted growth.
The question that we must ask ourselves is who is responsible for such an abysmal failure ? Our government or all of us homo sapiens?   We must also keep in mind that major indicator to gauge and measure a healthy nation is by not only  looking at statistics on mortality , morbidity but cognitive ability of the children. (CA) . lack of proper nutrition or lack of access to indigenous foods  has a direct correlation with   children 's cognitive abilities.
       We must act fast to solve and rectify this tragedy of nutrition.  Failure to address the matter will have far reaching implications on Haiti as a nation. Our children health will not only  be compromised , their cognitive ability will be affected adversely that we will question their decision making abilities, their thought process , their lack of good judgment and wether they can assume leadership role or even contribute and elevate their nation .
         we will not be considered a great nation, nor acheive economic growth , even experience political stability without addressing the critical issue of The Right to Indigenous, Electric Alkaline Foods for all Haitians.
Photo Depicting Opened haitian Market  By Rogener Joseph



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