The Poban or Burro Banana

 The burro Banana although often referred to as a tree is actually the world's largest herbaceous plant bearing edible fruits.Poban is a vital source of food security in Haiti and other tropical countries.
Nutritional Value
Poban has 0% fat, is low in starch , high in potassium, a necessary mineral for cellular function.i remember in my Anatomy and Physiology class lessons on the Na+  and K+ pump ( Sodium and Potassium pump).  Poban contains Mg++( Magnesium,) another superstar mineral. Phosphorus, Calcium (Ca++) Iron(Fe)  Zinc, Copper (Cu++) and Selenium ( Se)  .
The Human Body is is composed of many minerals, the same minerals listed on the periodic table in Chemistry . These minerals play a crucial role in stimulating Hemogloblin to prevent Anemia and as result increase cognitive abilities.   Due to its mineral contents, Poban is therefore Alkaline and Electrical.. Poban also boosts children physical growth and development.
I remember vividly growing up The Haitian Grandmothers drying Poban in a Bichette under the Sun, after peeling it off.  Once the Sun drying process has been completed, they pound the poban with a Mortar and Pestle, and the resulting flour is then placed in a bichette ( basket made straw) to further infuse the Poban with Sunlight.  The flour is fed to infants and children as porridge (la bouillie) that can be prepared in various ways.(See La Bouillie Recipes) .
Poban is so versatile that is complementary paired . One can add milk, hareng saure, etc... However, for the purpose of preserving its Alkalinity , for Nutritional simplicity (Mono Meals) and for the sake of Veganism and frugality I prepared it as such (See Recipes)  and served at dinner. Also one can make Papitas with Poban and eaten as a healthy snack.

Food Security And Cost Effectiveness
Poban is cost effective  due to its many benefits. It grows in abundance, does not require refrigeration and is accessible to all.  The Ripening process can be delayed by keeping exposed to air in order to prevent the gas Ethylene Oxyde from speeding up the ripening process.If one wants to speed up the ripening process it should be placed in a paper bag or dans la Garde a Manger.

Une Patte de Poban can feed a multitude including infants, children and adults . Provided to children, it boosts their pfysical growth and development , it prevent decline in cognitive/mental ability.
Pregnant Haitian women as well as women of child bearing age should have awareness and exposure to this Poban  to enhance brain function of their developing infants and children even as an Embryo.  Aptly named a Superfood because of the many benefits enumerated and highlighted Poban is a source of food Security to combat famine, malnourishment, has low glycemic index and increase brain power.   Remember; Brain power, increased cognitive ability , grey matter are key and essential prerequisites to Economic advancement.  Let us end the scourge of malnutrition and focus on preparing future leaders who can exercise good judgment and enhance will advance their Nation .The



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