Innovative Solutions To Improve Foods Security In Haiti

         In 2013, Caritas International  started an initiative aimed at ending systemic hunger by the year 2025.
They postulated that we are One Human family and the goal is to make available foods for all.  This initiative designed a twofold approach:  Increasing awareness, and improving CAritas programs and advocacy and implementing the right to foods. It involves the United Nations, The diverse NGO's as well as private foundations to disseminate evidence-based advices and recommendations to politicians and decisionsmakers.
         In 2015, Computer Scientist and Billionaire Bill Gates and his wife Melinda Gates spearheaded a partnership through their foundation with the objective of combatting hunger and malnourishment especially for children.
Both initiatives included countries such as Ethiopia, Kenya and some countries in latin America .  Sadly, Haiti classified as third world country was not selected to participate.
          Despite the non inclusion I and other concerned Haitians Citizens well versed in matters of health, economy decided to devise a novel approach in order to eradicate hunger , malnourishment and to improve foods security for all Haitians. Foods security is a universal concept and upon closer analysis it must be addressed and implemented utilizing an integrative methodology.
          The following solutions were investigated,  scrutinized scrupulously and tested   for validity, applicability, reliability  and articulated as such.
The collective must be informed through dissemination, education , information about nutrition and its far reaching implications. Enlisting help from Agronomes, educators, parents, village Elders and Kombite leaders,  politicians, so the latter can enact and promulguate nutritional policies to be implemented across Haiti.
Supporting small scale subsistence farmers, as well as farmers involve in production distribution.  Supporting farmers to enhance food productions.
Enacting a Food Stamp program to directly assist haitians who lack income to buy foods.
Investigate land usage land tenure  and even propose a new Reforme Agraire that was promulgated and advocated by our Forefathers.  Increase sharecropping.
Improving agricultural productivity to benefit the poor and vulnerable population ( children, pregnant women and men who need to live an active lifestyle).  Increasing productivity promotes surplus for trading as well with other countries.  There is a direct correlation between agricultural productivity , hunger, poverty and cognitive ability.  Support farmers to implement food crops approach not cash crop.
Access to Marche/Markets to sell, exchange and initiate a Community supported agriculture model (CSA), a type of collective group economic model to benefit the collective including the poor and the vulnerable Haitian.  A win win approach model.
 Foods Security requires that people make changes in areas dependent on rainfed agriculture, improve soil fertility, expanding crops without focusing on homogeneity. Indigenous crops require no irrigation. Managing rain water effectively. Employing low technology equipments. Focus on food crops as opposed to solely cash crop approach.
Conclusion:  These aforementionned hold the key to helping the plus grand bien au plus grand nombre. The greatest number of people.  Consider this  adage :"The poor cannot sleep due to hunger, the rich cannot sleep because the poor is hungry and awake".

References: Federal Research A country Study.
                     United States dept of Agriculture
                      Science Direct ?Science Article



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