The Mirliton /Sechium Edule

Mirliton, a pear shaped vegetable , climbing vine , is actually a fruit , it has a seed in the center aand is from the family of Curcubitaceae melons  , squash and cucumbers.  It s scientific name is Sechium Edule.    it is widely popular in Africa where  it is called Cho Cho and in Mexico where it is known by chinchayote.
The Mirliton although was introduced as a crop worldwide , is an indigenous vegetable plant that is complete nutritionally.  I t consists of 92 % water. 100 grams of chayote/mirliton has32 calories,1.5 grams of protein, and 7 grams of carbohydrates ( every dieter's dream vegetable).  Furthermore it Mirliton has a complete balance of essential minerals  Ca++ Fe Mg++ Phosphorous,  zinc, and K+ Potassium.
Empirically and anecdotal reports mentionned that it increases milk production in lactating women.  it is consumed as snack in Haiti in a form called Royale, a snack that combines cassava , peanut butter and the mirliton.  our Ancestors consumed it and prepared it as in legumes that is chopped after boiling and cresson is then  added, as well as meat .  See vegan legume Mirliton .  legume Mirliton is eaten with pobans, plaintains or rice.
Haitians and our Ancestors traditionally prepared their recipes from vegetables, from fruits, grains, seeds, bulbs, rhizomes in great proportion. Only with migration and other cultures influences the equilibrium has been disrupted and some have deviated from the teaching and methodology of our Ancestors.
 In conclusion. Mirliton is considered a food security vegetable alkaline, electric and indigenous. It can be preserved well for a long time, does not require refrigeration and is so versatile.

See recipes.  If you are Haitian anywhere please contact me to submit recipes.   Let us join hands to to make great, let us contribute one another , give commendations to one another and contribute to benefit our country.. Remember our devise " L' union fait la force"



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